Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Birthday Wings on a Cabinet Card

It is inevitable that I add wings to someone in my art.  I was looking around my house and I have birds, angels and butterflies worked into my decor everywhere.

Using a vintage cabinet card as a base, I made this collage for my niece.  The nice thing about old cabinet cards is that they stand up readily for display.

I added a hint of shine with some silvery chicken wire accents from Stampin Up and the background is collaged paper scraps and envelope pieces.

My husband says it is never wrong to tell someone you love them.  I think he is right...


  1. This will be a cherished keepsake for sure! I appreciate what you said about the cabinet cards, they are so useful and kick start a vintage project in the best way. Regarding the tell someone you love them bit, what if the love in unrequited? Only something to ponder.... ;-)

    1. I did not even think about unrequited love. Oh, the pain of that condition! I will keep telling my cats I love them, though. They do not share my feelings and have made that clear :-)
